Experience Pays!

In a bold new move, Education experts, business leaders and politicians involved in the Gonski Reform are calling for teacher salaries to be increased upwards of $100,000.

That’s the latest to come from education news in Australia, in an article which appeared in news.com.au on the 6th of April. The story which is titled “Education Experts, Gonski Architect Lead Push for Six Figure Teaching Salaries”, suggests that teachers (particularly the more experienced) should be earning a much higher pay. Gonski review Panelist Carmen Lawrence agrees:

“Teacher pay isn’t bad at entry level, but it deteriorates markedly over time”

The article effectively explains the reasons behind the push, stating that there isn’t much of an advance to teacher pay unless they step out of the classroom into administrative of executive roles. Geoff Chambers, CEO of the Australian Council of Academic Research states:

“We need to find out ways of keeping outstanding teachers in classrooms and remunerating them in a way that encourages them to stay and get better at what they do”

The article, like most education news, seems to focus more on politics than the educatoin of children, although the politics in this story is well worth the while, as greater teacher pay would see improved teaching standars, and encourage the best teachers with the most experience to remain in the classrooms to continue their outstanding work.

– Dillyn✎

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/national-news/education-experts-gonski-architect-lead-push-for-six-figure-teaching-salaries/story-fncynjr2-1226613558962#ixzz2Set49gqS